Body Blitz with Andreea Raicu and Florin Cujba

Body Blitz

with Andreea Raicu and Florin Cujba

Online fitness program for flat stomach and toned bottom

Body Blitz

197,00 lei

Ce primesti:

12 circuit type workouts - 6 for the abdomen and 6 for the buttocks - 15-20 minutes each

Ebook with tricks and tips for a flat stomach recommended by Andreea

A guided body scanning meditation

BONUS: Tae-Bo training of one hour and 15 minutes carried out by Andreea under the guidance of trainer Luminita Nicolescu

Pentru cine este acest program?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to do sports, but your schedule is extremely busy and you rarely manage to get to the gym.

  • You want to tone your rear, get rid of the fat on your abdomen and regain your hourglass figure.

  • You want to restart your metabolism, burn calories and get rid of extra centimeters from the middle area of ​​your body.

  • You need the structure of a complete sports program and you want to learn how to perform the exercises correctly.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will regain your energy and flexibility and you will have an improved muscle tone.

Florin and I were waiting for you to train together. It won't be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to do sports, but your schedule is extremely busy and you rarely manage to get to the gym.

  • You want to tone your rear, get rid of the fat on your abdomen and regain your hourglass figure.

  • You want to restart your metabolism, burn calories and get rid of extra centimeters from the middle area of ​​your body.

  • You need the structure of a complete sports program and you want to learn how to perform the exercises correctly.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will regain your energy and flexibility and you will have an improved muscle tone.

Florin and I were waiting for you to train together. It won't be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!

197,00 lei
Descriere program

Descriere program

Because you asked me what exercises and training I do in the gym to tone my body and to get the female hourglass figure - flat abdomen and firm, raised rear - I again asked the help of Florin, my trainer.

What I like about this program is that the exercises - although extremely effective - are neither difficult nor exhausting. What Florin taught me is that sport must be approached with intelligence and that you don't have to faint to get the results you want.

We chose to dedicate this program to the middle area of ​​the body because I know how dangerous the extra pounds in this area are for women - both for health and for fertility. And I also know how hard it is to lose belly fat.

Hard, but not impossible ;)

It's a program suitable for both beginners and those who do sports regularly. Each workout is 15-20 minutes. You will need a mattress and an elastic band of different difficulty, depending on your level of training.

Florin and I were waiting for you to train together. It won't be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!

Ce este inclus in program
Abdomen. Workout 1


Abdomen. Workout 1

Antrenamentele pentru abdomen sunt fundamentale pentru dezvoltarea unei baze solide si echilibrate a corpului, contribuind la stabilitatea si controlul miscarilor noastre zilnice.

Abdomen. Workout 2


Abdomen. Workout 2

Eficienta antrenamentelor pentru abdomen nu se limiteaza doar la aspectul estetic; acestea stimuleaza si fortifica muschii din jurul organelor interne, contribuind la functionarea optima a sistemului digestiv si a altor organe vitale.

Abdomen. Workout 3


Abdomen. Workout 3

Prin concentrarea pe zona abdominala, antrenamentele pot reduce riscul de leziuni si pot imbunatati postura, oferind sprijin coloanei vertebrale si prevenind durerile de spate.

Abdomen. Workout 4


Abdomen. Workout 4

Un abdomen puternic contribuie la imbunatatirea performantei sportive, oferind nucleul solid necesar pentru o gama variata de activitati, de la alergare la ridicarea greutatilor.

Abdomen. Workout 5


Abdomen. Workout 5

Importanta antrenamentelor pentru abdomen se reflecta si in aspectul estetic, contribuind la definirea muschilor abdominali si la reducerea grasimii corporale in aceasta zona.

Abdomen. Workout 6


Abdomen. Workout 6

Pe langa aspectele fizice, antrenamentele pentru abdomen pot avea un impact pozitiv si asupra starii de spirit, stimuland eliberarea endorfinelor si contribuind la o stare generala de bine si incredere in sine.

Legs & Butt. Workout 1


Legs & Butt. Workout 1

Antrenamentele pentru picioare si fund constituie un pilon esential in construirea unei structuri corporale echilibrate, oferind stabilitate si forta pentru miscari variate si functionarea optima a membrelor inferioare.

Legs & Butt. Workout 2


Legs & Butt. Workout 2

Concentrandu-se asupra acestei zone, antrenamentele contribuie la imbunatatirea performantei athletice, dezvoltand puterea si rezistenta necesare pentru activitati precum alergarea, sariturile si chiar simpla deplasare zilnica.

Legs & Butt. Workout 3


Legs & Butt. Workout 3

Eficienta antrenamentelor pentru picioare si fund nu se limiteaza doar la aspectul fizic; acestea promoveaza circulatia sangelui in aceasta zona, contribuind la sanatatea vasculara si reducand riscul de afectiuni precum tromboza venoasa profunda.

Legs & Butt. Workout 4


Legs & Butt. Workout 4

Prin tonifierea muschilor din aceasta regiune, antrenamentele ajuta la mentinerea unei posturi corecte si la prevenirea durerilor de spate, asigurand o distributie uniforma a greutatii corporale.

Legs & Butt. Workout 5


Legs & Butt. Workout 5

Importanta antrenamentelor pentru picioare si fund se reflecta si in aspectul estetic, contribuind la definirea coapselor si feselor, si contribuind la modelarea unei siluete armonioase.

Legs & Butt. Workout 6


Legs & Butt. Workout 6

Pe langa beneficiile fizice, antrenamentele pentru aceasta zona pot imbunatati starea de bine psihologica, stimuland eliberarea endorfinelor si contribuind la un nivel crescut de energie si vitalitate in viata de zi cu zi.

BONUS. Meditatie de scanare a corpului


BONUS. Meditatie de scanare a corpului

Meditatia de scanare a corpului te ajuta sa constientizezi fiecare parte a corpului. Apeleaza la ea atunci cand ai nevoie sa reduci stresul si sa te relaxezi.

BONUS. Antrenament Tae-Bo


BONUS. Antrenament Tae-Bo

Realizat de Andreea sub indrumarea antrenoarei Luminita Nicolescu, acest antrenament dureaza o ora si 15 minute. Tae-bo este o combinatie de aerobic, balet, karate, box, dans, hip-hop si antrenamente cu greutati. Este un sport care poate sa arda, intr-o ora, 800 de calorii si iti intareste musculatura, coordonarea si mobilitatea.

Ce este inclus in program

Body Blitz is an intensive mid-body remodeling program. Through directed and intense exercises, designed to activate and shape both the abdominal area and the buttocks, you get visible results in a short time.

Not only will you regain your hourglass figure, but you will also significantly improve your muscle flexibility and, implicitly, the general health of your back and hips.

In addition to the intensive cardio exercises in the program, intended to stimulate the efficient burning of fats, you also have at your disposal an ebook that contains all the steps experienced by Andreea over time for a flat and toned abdomen.

Body scanning meditation - which you can do either before or after training - is an effective method of reducing stress and tension, contributing to the relaxation of the whole body.

Stick to this complete sports and nutrition routine and you will transform not only your physical appearance, but also the way you feel in your own skin. You will learn to listen to your body, love it and be proud of everything it does for you.

Programul contine:

12 circuit type workouts - 6 for the abdomen and 6 for the buttocks - 15-20 minutes each

Ebook with tricks and tips for a flat stomach recommended by Andreea

A guided body scanning meditation

BONUS: Tae-Bo training of one hour and 15 minutes carried out by Andreea under the guidance of trainer Luminita Nicolescu

Online fitness program for flat stomach and toned bottom

197,00 lei
Intalneste instructorul

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.

Florin Cujba

Personal Trainer, Fitness Specialist, Author

Florin Cujba

Florin Cujba a facut sport inca din copilarie. La varsta de patru ani, a inceput sa practice arte martiale, mai exact, judo – un cuvant care se poate traduce prin „Calea Supletii“. Au urmat 16 ani de judo, in care a cunoscut performanta, cu suisurile si coborasurile ei.

Florin a absolvit Facultatea de Educatie Fizica si Sport din Iasi, apoi a urmat un Master in Management si Marketing in Sport la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“. In 2013, a urmat un Master de Fitness Business la Institutul European de Fitness din Birmingham, Marea Britanie. Iar in 2015, a urmat cursurile de Leadership & Executive Coach la Center of Executive Coaching Romania.


Will I receive the program on DVD or can it be downloaded directly from the website?

Our online programs are not delivered or downloaded. All can be accessed directly from the platform - all you need is an internet connection. You can follow them from anywhere, anytime, from any device. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can watch them as often as you want and at your own pace.

How do I access the program?

After you log into your account, add the product to your basket and receive payment confirmation (ATTENTION! Payment is made exclusively by card), you have instant access to all video courses, pdfs and bonuses associated with the program. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

And if I don't live in Romania?

Because online programs are not delivered, but accessed directly from our platform, you can order from anywhere in the world - to watch them you only need a good internet connection.

HELP! If I have a technical question or want to leave a feedback?

Please send us an email at and we will answer you as soon as possible. We love hearing from our community, so let us know if there's anything we could improve or if you have suggestions for future programs.

with Andreea Raicu and Florin Cujba

Body Blitz

197,00 lei

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