You meditate – Andreea Raicu

Mediteaza pentru o viata echilibrata si implinita

Programe de meditatii ghidate pentru toate nivelele si interesele.

Beneficiile meditatiei

Claritate mentala

Ajuta la vindecarea starilor de anxietate generalizata

Ajuta la scaderea stresului

Imbunatateste activitatea cognitiva

Imbunatateste atitudinea asupra vietii

Imbunatateste atentia

Practica meditatiei a fost conceputa pentru a permite corpului si mintii sa se relaxeze complet si usor.

Meditatiile ghidate te ajuta sa-ti construiesti uneltele de care ai nevoie pentru a cultiva pacea interioara: vei invata sa traiesti in prezent, sa-ti aduci atentia catre interior astfel incat sa te echilibrezi fizic si mental, te vei conecta mai usor cu lumea din jur si vei constientiza mai bine cine esti si de ce esti capabil.

Meditatia ghidata foloseste respiratia ca fundament de calmare si constientizare a gandurilor.

Programele de meditatii ghidate iti vor aduce o gama larga de beneficii: vei adormi mai usor, te vei concentra mai bine, te vei recupera fizic, mental si emotional si vei scapa de stres.

Daca nu ai mai meditat niciodata, aceste programe te vor invata cum functioneaza mintea si cum poti lucra cu ea, nu impotriva ei.

Daca meditezi deja de ceva vreme, aceste programe te ajuta sa-ti construiesti o rutina zilnica constanta ce va servi drept catalist pentru dezvoltarea ta interioara.

Descopera programul care ti se potriveste cel mai bine si incepe calatoria catre interior.

Cum accesezi meditatiile

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Programele de meditatie nu se livreaza fizic si nu se descarca.
Le vei putea asculta online dupa confirmarea platii.

Descopera programul care ti se potriveste cel mai bine si incepe calatoria catre interior.

I am very happy that the meditations will remain in my account and I will be able to enjoy them every day from now on. Besides the daily meditation, I chose another meditation every day, depending on my mood and where I feel I need a little help.

Magda Lozniceriu

Today we are on the third day of meditation guided by you... my little girl and I feel great to practice it in the evening. It relaxes us perfectly and calms us down tremendously. Thank you is too small a word... PS If I'm too tired to meditate, my little girl pulls me to do it together, because she really likes it and helps us.

Anamaria Gombos

The meditations are extraordinary, they helped me a lot during this period. Your soft voice calms me down and helps me to connect with myself and then have a very restful sleep. Thank you for absolutely everything, Andreea. For me you were and are an inspiration and I learned and found out a lot from you.

Alina Sandor

I've been trying to introduce meditation into my daily routine for a long time, but I didn't succeed until I started your 28-day program. Now it is already part of my routine and I will continue to meditate daily.

Alina Mirt

Your meditations are very pleasant and accessible, in the sense that maybe meditation is not perceived as something very approachable, but you did it in such a way that it seems super natural.

Nadia Elena Dumitru

Your meditations fit me like a glove and relax me a lot. Sometimes I do them twice. It happens to me at some moments of the day that I feel overwhelmed by the daily activities, so I stop, do a meditation, give myself a reset and continue my day charged with new energies. It's like a lifeline for me.

Elena Hantig

Your meditations are great, I did them daily. They relaxed me and helped me calm down and feel free. Your voice is beneficent! Thank you!

Luminita Apostol

The sixth meditation in the 28-day program made me cry. Tears were running down my cheeks but at the same time I was very at peace with myself because I was aware of my emotions. I felt extremely good afterwards and my mind was much clearer.

Roxana Simona Ursei

For me, meditations are like a guide to educate my mind, just like when I was a child, to know myself better and to be able to manage situations that even if I can't control them, I can control how I react to them. It helps me enormously to realize what my body needs.

Nicoleta Timofte

The meditations helped me a lot because they focused on what I needed. It helps me to be more confident in myself, makes me feel stronger and relaxes me.

Nicoleta Rusu

When I started meditating I discovered myself, parts of me, I discovered how to free my brain from all negative thoughts.

Amalia Buda

Until I did the 28-day course, I didn't even know about meditation. I do them every day and it's fantastic to see how much my mood changes: I'm calmer, more focused and present.

Ramona Hutanu

I am a mental person and for me words are very important. Guided meditations suit me very well, they help me to focus on myself, to relax and detach, to look for answers in myself and to become aware of aspects that I may have given less importance to. Each meditation addresses emotions, different important values ​​for each of us. Breathing exercises are very useful for relaxation and emotional ventilation. Andreea, you have a calm, warm voice, I congratulate you for what you have created and I hope that your audience will be open to practicing the meditations and enjoy the benefits.

Mihaela Vasiliu

I can say that meditation is a new and unique experience for me. I have heard so many things about meditation and I admit that I imagined that it is extremely difficult and that only those with a lot of practice manage to relax, to detach themselves, to live in the present. I cannot describe in words the state I had after meditating. I never thought it would be so easy for me. I have a big emotional baggage, which I want to unpack and put aside.

Lorina Brindescu

Ce obtii urmand un program de meditatii ghidate

Inveti bazele meditatiei sau aprofundezi practica

Descoperi beneficiile meditatiei pentru tine si pentru cei din jur

Te bucuri de o rutina consistenta, la care te intorci zilnic cu placere

Obtii inspiratia de care ai nevoie pentru a porni cu incredere pe un drum al transformarilor, care iti va imbogati viata

Descopera programul care ti se potriveste cel mai bine si incepe calatoria catre interior.

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.

Companii care promoveaza meditatia
