14-day program to be more feminine - Andreea Raicu

14-day program to be more feminine

Reconnect to your feminine energy and you will shine again

Learn to accept and love yourself as you are, so that you can live your life completely, according to your own rules.

14-day program to be more feminine

347,00 lei

Ce primesti:

14 video modules with information + practical exercises

14 pdfs with conclusions and homework

7-day guided meditation program to become more feminine, worth 127 lei

60-minute online yoga course with Georgiana Buta for reconnecting to your feminine energy, worth 399 lei

Lifetime access to all materials in the program. You can browse them at any time on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Pentru cine este acest program?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to know how to connect to your inner resources and how to give yourself space to develop at your own pace and according to your wishes.

  • You want to learn to love and accept yourself completely, to look at yourself with admiration, respect and trust.

  • You want to find out how to recharge your emotional batteries and how to be the best version of you in all the relationships you have.

  • You want to be delicate, but strong, vulnerable, but assertive, gentle, but very aware of what she wants to achieve. You want to know exactly who you are and what you are capable of.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of yourself and what you can do and how you can be.

Come with me, find out how you can be more feminine and achieve things you never thought of.

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to know how to connect to your inner resources and how to give yourself space to develop at your own pace and according to your wishes.

  • You want to learn to love and accept yourself completely, to look at yourself with admiration, respect and trust.

  • You want to find out how to recharge your emotional batteries and how to be the best version of you in all the relationships you have.

  • You want to be delicate, but strong, vulnerable, but assertive, gentle, but very aware of what she wants to achieve. You want to know exactly who you are and what you are capable of.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of yourself and what you can do and how you can be.

Come with me, find out how you can be more feminine and achieve things you never thought of.

347,00 lei
Descriere program

Descriere program

It's never too late to learn to be more feminine.

When you forget to be a woman and lose contact with your femininity, imbalances, blockages and a lot of stress appear. You deny yourself, you abandon yourself.

Only when you return to your essence, to who you really are, new horizons open up to you, which you didn't even suspect, you regain your balance and you can finally accept and love yourself exactly as you are.

Once you get in touch with what you are inside - with honesty and compassion - you will be able to rebuild your feminine self, you will be able to heal from the conditioning of the past and fully manifest your essence.

When you get to love yourself, the rest of the things will come by themselves, without effort, but re-connecting with your feminine essence, with your vulnerabilities, remains a process that must be carried out continuously, in order for it to reach its potential.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of yourself and what you can do and how you can be.

Come with me, find out how you can be more feminine and achieve things you never thought of.

Ce este inclus in program
Self love


Self love

Vindecarea incepe cu imbunatatirea relatiei pe care o ai cu tine. Vei invata sa-ti vorbesti cu blandete, vei lucra la increderea in sine, iar exercitiile de introspectie te vor ajuta sa te accepti si sa te iubesti.

Self care


Self care

Acest curs te va incuraja, motiva si inspira sa faci schimbari pozitive in stilul tau de viata. Sunt principii si practici simple, pe care le poti introduce rapid in rutina ta zilnica si care te vor ajuta sa-ti gestionezi nevoile emotionale.

Increderea in tine


Increderea in tine

Increderea in sine este o parte vitala a unei vieti fericite. Atunci cand schimbi in bine modul cum te vezi, scapi de dialogul interior negativ, gestionezi in mod corect bagajul emotional si esti constienta de valoarea ta, vei avea puterea de a lua mereu deciziile corecte pentru tine.




Vulnerabilitatea este unul dintre cele mai mari atuuri pe care o femeie le poate folosi. Pentru ca este o manifestare a autenticitatii, te ajuta sa-ti creezi relatii mult mai profunde.

A fi in loc de a face


A fi in loc de a face

Noi, femeile, prin natura noastra, avem nevoie sa ne reeducam sa fim, sa simtim, sa fim prezente, sa ne conectam la intuitie, lucruri care atrag in mod natural starea de calmde blandete, acea energie care da senzatia de bine si care este eminamente feminina.

Simte emotiile


Simte emotiile

Este esential pentru o femeie sa inteleaga cum functioneaza emotiile ca sa le poata gestiona eficient. Si pentru a le intelege, este necesar ca mai intai sa le dam voie in interiorul nostru, sa le simtim cu adevarat, fara sa mai fugim de ele.




In opozitie cu impulsivitatea si rigiditatea, blandetea este un atu esential in palmaresul feminitatii aflate in manifestare. Dincolo de echilibru si senzatia de siguranta, o manifestare blanda aduce cu ea acea senzatie de bine de care cu totii avem nevoie.




Atunci cand avem rabdare, atunci cand nu ne grabim, ci asteptam, ceva foarte important se intampla: acumulam energie. Avem nevoie de aceasta energie pentru a face lucrurile care ne implinesc. Aceasta energie ne centreaza, ne relaxeaza, ne ajuta sa stim ce avem de facut.




Practicata in mod constant si constient, compasiunea are efect terapeutic. Femeile care incearca in mod intentionat sa fie mai pline de compasiune au relatii mai solide, sunt mai fericite, au mai multa incredere in ele si in viata, o dispozitie mai buna, un stil de viata mai sanatos si isi revin mult mai repede dupa o suferinta.

Felul in care vorbesti si te porti


Felul in care vorbesti si te porti

Vocea, limbajul si felul in care se comporta o femeie o ancoreaza intr-o energie sau alta - masculina sau feminina. Daca iti pierzi din delicatete si gratie si alegi - constient sau nu - sa fii aspra, tensionata, blocata, se produce un dezechilibru profund care naste frustrari si conflicte.

Capacitatea de a primi


Capacitatea de a primi

Ca sa poti intelege cu adevarat ce inseamna sa daruiesti, este esential sa intelegi ce inseamna sa primesti, un lucru indispensabil in arsenalul unei femei constiente de propria valoare. Sa primesti este un act de iubire fata de celalalt, pentru ca ii da posibilitatea sa ofere. Este deci o manifestare de iubire.




Cea mai sigura cale de a-ti accesa puterea este sa iti permiti sa te vezi, sa te simti, sa te conectezi la tine insati si la toate acele trasaturi feminine din care iti iei energia. Iar meditatia este practica cea mai potrivita pentru a-ti cunoaste cele mai ascunse unghere ale fiintei tale.

Fii jucausa


Fii jucausa

Ce inseamna de fapt sa fii jucausa? Inseamna sa refuzi rigiditatea, sa plutesti prin viata in echilibru cu nevoile tale constant in flux. Joaca este un mijloc de evolutie personala in oricare din etapele vietii si are beneficii enorme: stimuleaza empatia si imbunatateste relatiile cu ceilalti.




Cat de mult pot hainele sa influenteze felul care ne simtim cu noi insene, ca femei, si ce se intampla atunci cand incepi sa iti schimbi felul in care te raportezi la imbracaminte? Este dovedit ca hainele pe care le alegi iti schimba atitudinea, starea de spirit, increderea in sine si chiar felul in care relationezi cu cei din jur.

Yoga pentru cresterea energiei feminine cu Georgiana Buta


Yoga pentru cresterea energiei feminine cu Georgiana Buta

Axata pe pe deblocarea si amplificarea energiei feminine prin secvente de posturi elegante si fluide, respiratii profunde si meditatie, acest antrenament de o ora iti va readuce in prim plan darurile pretioase ale feminitatii.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you shared with us during this course, for your openness, for the emotions you conveyed to us and that we felt, for the information provided, extremely precious precisely because they were lived of you and experienced 💖🤗🙏🏼 You exude a healing aura, you are a source of inspiration (in my journey of returning to myself, of self-knowledge, of awareness, of living in the here and now) and you are my role model femininity💖💖!!!

Ramona Olivera Pavel

I think 'Empowering' is the most appropriate word for this course. I feel that it helps me to be in balance with myself and to access my resources much better. Andreea is wow, she transmits energy. From my point of view, he is among the few people I can call a leader by example.

Ana-Maria Dragomir

Participating in the "14 days to be more feminine" course was the best gift I gave myself this year! I found out and learned a lot of things from Andreea, some new, some I knew, but I didn't realize them. The course is very well structured, exactly as it is described, and Andreea is very empathetic, open, of particular gentleness, knows how to convey emotions and information in such a way as to reach the interlocutor.

Ramona Pavel

What did the 14 days spent together bring for me? My awakening as a woman and the beginning of the road to authenticity. Along with the wonderful resources that the WhatsApp group offered me, many others began to appear that help me in my healing as a WOMAN! and this seems absolutely MAGIC to me 💫

Alexandra Malvina

Today I feel stronger, more confident, more feminine. The femininity course helped me rediscover myself and bring to the surface what I had forgotten that I have, namely being feminine. Thank you for these wonderful lessons, which guided me to self-confidence and where I learned that being a woman means showing yourself as you are and that the moment you get rid of appearances, you find a freedom that no one can give you. he can take it. A course that changes your perspective and vision of yourself and those around you. I thank you for everything I learned in these 14 days.

Bianca Baciu

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Andreea Raicu, for the wonderful 2-week trip that you prepared for us and offered to us, women, with such generosity. I hope with all my heart that you will prepare other pleasant surprises for us in the near future. You are wonderful and unique and a role model for us women!"

Adriana Gross

This course was one of the best decisions I made this year... and actually, not just this year. I have discovered parts of me that have been hidden until now, that complete me, make me happy and give me an indescribable thank you. It is work, daily, working with you, but the results are visible, and when you start to feel that you are radiating and you are told this, the joy is complete ❤ Thank you with gratitude to "teacher" Andreea, she is an inspiration!💖🙏 | Irina Petrescu

I took this course out of curiosity and the desire to know more exactly what femininity means. Andreea was very warm with us and answered all the questions related to femininity in the webinar. The videos were very clear, concise and easy to understand, without being overwhelming. Homework helps you a lot to enter the state of femininity. Congratulations! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Luiza Iliesi

Ce este inclus in program

In the 14-day Program to be more feminine, you will receive all the necessary support to be able to reconnect with your feminine essence, to give up masks in favor of authenticity and to always be in touch with what you feel.

You will find out what the 14 sides of femininity are and how you can (re)discover them in yourself, you will free yourself from everything that blocks your femininity so that you can access your inner resources to be exactly as you dreamed always be.

You will raise your self-esteem, you will learn to love yourself sincerely and finally you will have the confidence to create a life you can be proud of.

You will find out who you really are, what are the obstacles that too much masculine energy puts in your way and what you can do so that from now on you can walk on your path with the certainty that your most important quality gives you - femininity.

Everything you will experience, all the exercises and techniques we will do together, will become healthy habits that will help you to never lose touch with who you really are and to always trust your feminine strength.

Programul contine:

14 video modules with information + practical exercises

14 pdfs with conclusions and homework

7-day guided meditation program to become more feminine, worth 127 lei

60-minute online yoga course with Georgiana Buta for reconnecting to your feminine energy, worth 399 lei

Lifetime access to all materials in the program. You can browse them at any time on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Learn to accept and love yourself as you are, so that you can live your life completely, according to your own rules.

347,00 lei
Intalneste instructorul

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director andreearaicu.ro, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.


Will I receive the program on DVD or can it be downloaded directly from the website?

Our online programs are not delivered or downloaded. All can be accessed directly from the platform - all you need is an internet connection. You can follow them from anywhere, anytime, from any device. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can watch them as often as you want and at your own pace.

How do I access the program?

After you log into your account, add the product to your basket and receive payment confirmation (ATTENTION! Payment is made exclusively by card), you have instant access to all video courses, pdfs and bonuses associated with the program. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

And if I don't live in Romania?

Because online programs are not delivered, but accessed directly from our platform, you can order from anywhere in the world - to watch them you only need a good internet connection.

HELP! If I have a technical question or want to leave a feedback?

Please send us an email at contact@andreeraaicu.ro and we will answer you as soon as possible. We love hearing from our community, so let us know if there's anything we could improve or if you have suggestions for future programs.

Reconnect to your feminine energy and you will shine again

14-day program to be more feminine

347,00 lei

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