Personal development program for women - Andreea Raicu

Personal development program for women

Discover yourself and become aware of your inner strength

Turn your life into a success story! Together, we will build a stronger and more confident version of you.

Personal development program for women

785,00 lei
470,00 lei

Ce primesti:

5 video modules of approximately 40 minutes each

5 pdfs with conclusions and homework

5 guided meditations

Lifetime access to all materials in the program. You can browse them at any time on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Pentru cine este acest program?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to regain your inner and outer balance and have more confidence in your own strength.

  • You constantly suffer from stress and anxiety and you want to learn to be aware of your emotions, defeat your inner critic and give up the mindsets that keep you in place.

  • You feel that your relationships are not authentic and you need support in learning to open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

  • You want to have more energy, stay present in everything you do, reconnect with your feminine essence and enjoy everything you experience.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of yourself and what you can do and how you can be.

Come with me, find out who you really are and how you can enjoy a happy and fulfilled life.

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to regain your inner and outer balance and have more confidence in your own strength.

  • You constantly suffer from stress and anxiety and you want to learn to be aware of your emotions, defeat your inner critic and give up the mindsets that keep you in place.

  • You feel that your relationships are not authentic and you need support in learning to open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

  • You want to have more energy, stay present in everything you do, reconnect with your feminine essence and enjoy everything you experience.

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of yourself and what you can do and how you can be.

Come with me, find out who you really are and how you can enjoy a happy and fulfilled life.

785,00 lei
470,00 lei
Descriere program

Descriere program

If you are like me, you always want to improve your life.

You care about your future. But you don't know exactly how to do this. You want more. You are ready for more. You want to make the journey inward and develop yourself emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

As women, we do so much for those around us. But what do we do for ourselves? We are so used to putting ourselves last, that we often don't even realize what is hidden behind the accumulated fatigue, frustrations and anxiety we constantly face .

To honor your potential and develop as you have always dreamed, you must invest in yourself, make a commitment to yourself and... take the first step towards the fulfillment you want .

If you are ready to enjoy a happier and more balanced life, I am ready to help you get there.

Everything to create a better future than you could have ever imagined.

It won't be easy, but I will be here to guide you every step of the way .

Ce este inclus in program
Stiu cine sunt. Stiu ce imi doresc de la viata.


Stiu cine sunt. Stiu ce imi doresc de la viata.

Vrei sa fii tu insati. Vrei sa nu te mai prefaci ca esti ceea ce nu esti. Vrei sa fii… tu. Dar uite care e problema - stii cu adevarat cine esti? In acest seminar am strans toata informatia de care ai nevoie - alaturi de experientele mele - pentru a te ajuta sa afli raspunsul la aceasta intrebare. Iti povestesc pe larg despre lucrurile care m-au ajutat sa aflu cine sunt cu adevarat si sa ma indrept pe calea corecta pentru mine.

BONUS. Meditatie de constientizare a lucrurilor care iti plac la tine


BONUS. Meditatie de constientizare a lucrurilor care iti plac la tine

E usor sa te pierzi in ganduri negative si lipsa de incredere. Aceasta meditatie iti va readuce aminte sa ai grija de tine, sa te iubesti si sa te respecti. Te vei reconecta la interiorul tau si vei invata ca desi criticul tau interior vrea sa te convinga de contrariul, ai foarte multe calitati pe care merita sa le scoti in fata.

Relatia cu parintii. Cum ne afecteaza si cum putem scapa de vocea interioara si pattern-urile capatate in copilarie


Relatia cu parintii. Cum ne afecteaza si cum putem scapa de vocea interioara si pattern-urile capatate in copilarie

Pentru ca e un subiect foarte sensibil, care poate fi dureros pentru multe femei, relatia cu parintii e un teritoriu in care nu toata lumea se aventureaza sa intre, dar e important sa o analizam cu atentie, pentru ca doar asa vom reusi sa ne vindecam de traumele si tiparele comportamentale capatate in copilarie. Vei afla mai multe despre formarea personalitatii, vocea interioara si ce pastram si ce nu din mostenirea parintilor.

BONUS. Meditatie de iertare a semenilor


BONUS. Meditatie de iertare a semenilor

Atunci cand cineva iti greseste, adancesti si mai mult suferinta daca ii adaugi un strat de furie, invinovatire si judecata. Meditatia de iertare a semenilor te ajuta sa te eliberezi de acest bagaj extra de suferinta, pentru ca te invata sa alegi intotdeauna compasiunea, nu mania si resentimentele.

Cum constientizezi si elimini gandurile autodistructive care te impiedica sa iti recapeti linistea interioara


Cum constientizezi si elimini gandurile autodistructive care te impiedica sa iti recapeti linistea interioara

Si tie ti se intampla sa te lasi coplesita si destabilizata de ganduri negative, care uneori par sa apara de nicaieri? Criticul tau intern iti acapareaza mintea si ajungi sa te condamni si pentru lucruri care n-au de fapt nicio legatura cu tine? In acest curs iti voi arata ce e de facut a scapa din stransoarea gandurilor autodistructive si a-ti recapata timpul, energia si controlul asupra propriei minti.

BONUS. Meditatie pentru pace interioara


BONUS. Meditatie pentru pace interioara

Aceasta meditatie ghidata te va ajuta sa te calmezi, sa scapi de emotiile care te coplesesc si sa-ti recastigi echilibrul si linistea interioara. Atunci cand te hranesti cu iubire neconditionata si compasiune de sine, lucrurile se aseaza si vezi si simti mai clar ce trebuie sa faci pentru a fi bine.

Dorinta de perfectiune duce la esec


Dorinta de perfectiune duce la esec

Cand esti prinsa in fuga dupa corpul perfect, relatia perfecta, jobul perfect, nu mai vezi cat de frumoasa e viata ta cua devarat. Dorinta de perfectiune ne distrage de la calea pe care suntem si ne impiedica sa vedem lucrurile bune din viata noastra. In acest seminar vei afla de unde vine dorinta de perfectiune, cum te eliberezi de ea si cum inveti sa accepti si sa apreciezi frumusetea propriilor imperfectiuni.

BONUS. Meditatie pentru acceptare de sine


BONUS. Meditatie pentru acceptare de sine

Te voi ghida catre constructia unui sentiment de acceptare de sine neconditionata, astfel incat nu vei mai simti niciodata ca nu esti suficient de buna sau ca nu meriti cele mai bune lucruri in viata. Acceptarea de sine este vitala pentru o viata implinita si echilibrata!

Acceptarea feminitatii


Acceptarea feminitatii

Vad zilnic femei cu o latura masculina extrem de accentuata, care de multe ori nu mai au nimic in comun cu feminitatea. De ce? Pentru ca multe dintre noi am crescut cu o idee gresita despre ce inseamna sa fii feminina. In acest curs vom afla de ce e important sa ne pretuim aceasta energie si sa o cultivam ori de cate ori avem ocazia.

BONUS. Meditatie pentru vulnerabilitate


BONUS. Meditatie pentru vulnerabilitate

Aceasta meditatie te va ajuta sa-ti dai voie sa fii vulnerabila, sa te arati oamenilor exact asa cum esti, fara sa te mai simti rusinata de nicio parte din tine. Acest lucru te va ajuta sa te simti libera, puternica si feminina.

I want to say that I felt it was the deepest, most human course so far and I felt a connection with you, Andreea. You offered something that the psychotherapist offers with great caution: self-disclosure. In this context, sharing your experiences had a fantastic impact, it provided credibility, trust, connection, authenticity.

Popa Iuliana Mihaela

I found this webinar extraordinary. I confess that it is the first one I have attended, not being familiar with this type of course, I wasn't sure if it would help me, but it was worth trying. I have been doing individual therapy for about 12 years and in recent years I feel that it is no longer helping me, I have a blockage and I feel that finally this webinar can help me move forward in my personal development.

Dana Achim

Andrea's program came for me at a time when I felt that I was "burning" like a shooting star; and I couldn't do anything to stop myself. Your voice, your speech and intonation are wonderful. They helped me to interrogate and analyze myself carefully and gently. You are the only YouTube channel I subscribe to.

Ana Maria Gulei

I like it, I actually love it!! I like that it is oriented towards women, that it deals with very complex subjects and studies where certain reactions/values/feelings start. I really appreciate the personal example and I think that I resonate a lot with the themes addressed and with Andreea in certain aspects. You can see the work, professionalism and documentation behind each subject. Going to several personal development seminars, courses and meditation camps, I notice a totally different approach and I like the warmth and personal touch.

Dumitrasc Adina

I followed the course with great interest and love! Andreea, you are wonderful, congratulations! You can see the work done, you can see the evolution as a person on a spiritual level and not only that! You convey calmness and I really appreciate your willingness to share your experiences, because it takes courage and a lot of inner work to get to this point. The assignments were very strong and a real brainstorming session.

Alina Spanu

I can only say this: "YOU changed my life for the better!" Thank you!

Mihaela Neagoe

Ce este inclus in program

I proposed, through this personal development program for women, to offer you all the necessary support to take your life to the next level in terms of health, relationships, balance and confidence.

You will find out what are the mindsets that limit you and how you can change them, you will free yourself from overwhelming emotions and self-destructive thoughts so that you can identify what you want most from your future.

You will finally be able to realize what you are not doing well, what you need to change and how you can do this more precisely.

You will raise your self-esteem and finally have the confidence to create a life you can be proud of.

You will find out who you really are, what are the obstacles that the inner voice that you built in your childhood are laying in your way and what you can do so that from now on you can walk your path with confidence, gratitude and compassion by itself.

Everything you will experience, all the exercises and techniques we will do together, will become healthy habits that will help you to never lose touch with who you really are and to always trust in your potential.

Programul contine:

5 video modules of approximately 40 minutes each

5 pdfs with conclusions and homework

5 guided meditations

Lifetime access to all materials in the program. You can browse them at any time on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Turn your life into a success story! Together, we will build a stronger and more confident version of you.

785,00 lei
470,00 lei
Intalneste instructorul

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.


Will I receive the program on DVD or can it be downloaded directly from the website?

Our online programs are not delivered or downloaded. All can be accessed directly from the platform - all you need is an internet connection. You can follow them from anywhere, anytime, from any device. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can watch them as often as you want and at your own pace.

How do I access the program?

After you log into your account, add the product to your basket and receive payment confirmation (ATTENTION! Payment is made exclusively by card), you have instant access to all video courses, pdfs and bonuses associated with the program. You can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

And if I don't live in Romania?

Because online programs are not delivered, but accessed directly from our platform, you can order from anywhere in the world - to watch them you only need a good internet connection.

HELP! If I have a technical question or want to leave a feedback?

Please send us an email at and we will answer you as soon as possible. We love hearing from our community, so let us know if there's anything we could improve or if you have suggestions for future programs.

Discover yourself and become aware of your inner strength

Personal development program for women

785,00 lei
470,00 lei

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