Meditation program to become more feminine - Andreea Raicu

Meditation program to become more feminine

Reconnect to yourself, to everything that fulfills you and gives you strength and energy.

Accepting femininity is the best investment you can make for your fulfillment, for the woman in you who longs to come out and show you the way.

Meditation program to become more feminine

127,00 lei

Ce primesti:

7 guided meditations

Lifetime access. You can listen to the meditations anytime - on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Descriere program

How do you feel in today's reality, where roles and expectations change so quickly? Do you still have time to be truly feminine?

Each of us, women, carries inside her a delicate and firm power, which manifests itself in unique ways. Being feminine does not mean only to fulfill certain norms or standards, but to bring to light the inner qualities that make us authentic and strong women.

Although we are, without exception, influenced by the environment, we all want to preserve what makes us unique in our femininity. We are always looking for the resources to be able to go through life's challenges with grace and resilience, in ways that truly reflect who we are, that help us feel connected to our own femininity.

Our meditation program invites you to discover the strength that springs from vulnerability and to connect with those aspects that make you shine in your skin. It guides you through experiences of self-reflection and self-knowledge towards a deeper relationship with your own femininity, teaches you to enjoy your own grace and discover your inner strength.

Learn to embrace your sensitivity and all those points you consider weak, so you can face life with more confidence and courage!

Allow yourself to accept and love yourself as you are, understanding that being feminine means being authentic in your own light and living life with passion and compassion.

Together, we will explore how beautiful and diverse femininity can be and how you can bring to the fore those qualities that make you a gifted and extraordinary woman.

Don't forget, the journey towards being more feminine is actually a journey of authenticity and connection with yourself.

List of 7 guided meditations




Intoarce-ti atentia catre inima ta si simte-i bataile cu fiecare respiratie adanca. Asa descatusezi sentimentul de conectare si iubire.

Iubire de sine


Iubire de sine

Intr-o lume agitata, in care toata lumea vrea ceva de la tine, este esential sa gasesti timp pentru a te conecta cu propria ta esenta. Relatia ta cu tine este cea mai importanta.

Acceptarea iubirii


Acceptarea iubirii

Deschide-ti inima catre o experienta profunda de a primi si a imbratisa cu bucurie energia vindecatoare a iubirii neconditionate.

Vizualizarea spatiului tau ca fiind o oaza de calm si relaxare


Vizualizarea spatiului tau ca fiind o oaza de calm si relaxare

Vei picta cu grija in mintea ta fiecare detaliu al acestui spatiu special in care vei simti cum iti umpli sufletul cu pace si odihna.

Rescrierea unei zile dificile


Rescrierea unei zile dificile

Pune pe pauza agitatia si grijile, elibereaza-te de povara lor si creeaza spatiu pentru transformare si vindecare.




In acest spatiu al linistii si al respiratiei profunde, vei simti cum inima ta isi deschide aripile si cum fiecare inspiratie iti aduce un sentiment eliberator de expansiune.

Acceptarea vulnerabilitatii


Acceptarea vulnerabilitatii

Imbratiseaza-ti propria vulnerabilitate cu curaj si compasiune. Cu ochii inchisi si inima deschisa, vei intra intr-un spatiu sacru al acceptarii. de sine, unde nu există judecăți sau așteptări.

Accepting femininity is the best investment you can make for your fulfillment, for the woman in you who longs to come out and show you the way.

127,00 lei

Cum accesezi meditatia

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  • Asculta meditatiile

Programele de meditati nu se livreaza fizic si nu se descarca.
Le vei putea asculta online dupa confirmarea platii.

Descopera programul care ti se potriveste cel mai bine si incepe calatoria catre interior.

Pentru cine este acest program?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to include meditation in your daily routine.

  • You want to explore deep aspects of your personality, including sensitivity, intuition and inner strength, strengthening the connection with your feminine side in a sustained and conscious way.

  • You have been interested in meditation for some time, but you don't know where to start.

  • You want a program that you can easily follow and enjoy.

  • Do you want to change your life completely - in just a few days!

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of meditation and what it can do for you.

Meditate with me to reconnect with your feminine energy!

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to include meditation in your daily routine.

  • You want to explore deep aspects of your personality, including sensitivity, intuition and inner strength, strengthening the connection with your feminine side in a sustained and conscious way.

  • You have been interested in meditation for some time, but you don't know where to start.

  • You want a program that you can easily follow and enjoy.

  • Do you want to change your life completely - in just a few days!

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of meditation and what it can do for you.

Meditate with me to reconnect with your feminine energy!

127,00 lei
Descriere program

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.

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Reconnect to yourself, to everything that fulfills you and gives you strength and energy.

Meditation program to become more feminine

127,00 lei

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