Meditation program to combat stress and anxiety - Andreea Raicu

Meditation program to combat stress and anxiety

Get rid of the state of inner agitation that overwhelms you

Learn to manage your emotions and you will feel lighter, freed and calm.

Meditation program to combat stress and anxiety

127,00 lei

Ce primesti:

7 guided meditations

Lifetime access. You can listen to the meditations anytime - on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.

Descriere program

In a world in constant motion, in which time is compressed and we are forever looking for it, in which we are asked for ideal solutions on the spot, stress and tensions accumulate unconsciously.

We desperately need oases of peace and balance, and they seem increasingly difficult to find. Restlessness and worry are our companions on the road, and in all the multitude of unstoppable thoughts, it seems that we lose ourselves.

The good news is that, if we want to find ourselves, the path to us requires only one thing: to learn to prioritize ourselves!

This program of meditations for stress and anxiety helps you explore the depths of your soul, rediscover your inner resources and find your own oasis of peace, which you will never get lost among alarming thoughts.

In just a few minutes of daily meditation, you will experience a miraculous transformation of the way you perceive the world around you. By rediscovering the calmness within you by connecting to your own breathing, you will be able to reduce mental tension and free your mind from restless thoughts.

Cultivate your resilience and build the solid foundation of your permanent well-being!

Learn to free yourself from the burden of endless worries and live in the present, in joy!

Vizualizare ghidata


Vizualizare ghidata

Elimina tensiunea si simte senzatiile din corp pentru a-i da voie voie corpului tau se relaxeze complet si total.

Extinderea expiratiei


Extinderea expiratiei

Relatia dintre respiratie, corp si minte este extrem de importanta. Respirand mai adanc, ii comunici sistemului tau nervos ca esti in siguranta.

Combaterea/Ameliorarea anxietatii


Combaterea/Ameliorarea anxietatii

Ne simtim tensionati si anxiosi pentru analizam in exces tot ce ni se intampla, din dorinta de a fi mereu in control. Ca sa schimbi acest obicei, e nevoie sa-ti schimbi imaginea de sine si sa-ti creezi noi credinte.

Eliminarea anxietatii prin respiratie


Eliminarea anxietatii prin respiratie

Atunci cand mintea ti-e deschisa si pregatita sa primeasca ganduri noi, cu fiecare respiratie te umpli de energie noua si proaspata.

Vizualizarea unei plaje a bunastarii


Vizualizarea unei plaje a bunastarii

Beneficiile vizualizarii sunt multiple: corpul si creierul intra intr-o stare profunda de relaxare, te vei simti mai protejata din punct de vedere energetic si vei reusi in timp sa iei decizii mai bune pentru tine.




Atunci cand inveti sa accepti neconditionat sustinerea - de oriunde ar veni ea - si corpul si mintea ti se vor relaxa complet. Este o tehnica de mindfulness extrem de puternica si senzatia de siguranta si protectie care te va cuprinde iti va aduce o stare de bine.

Pace interioara


Pace interioara

De fiecare data cand te simti coplesita si ai nevoie sa accesezi o stare profunda de calm si claritate, aceasta meditatie te va readuce cu blandete in prezent si-ti va oferi energia pozitiva de care ai nevoie.

Learn to manage your emotions and you will feel lighter, freed and calm.

127,00 lei

Cum accesezi meditatia

Ti-ai comadat meditatia?

  • Autentifica-te in cont

  • Cumpara programul preferat

  • Asteapta confirmarea platii

  • Revino in pagina produsului

  • Asculta meditatiile

Programele de meditati nu se livreaza fizic si nu se descarca.
Le vei putea asculta online dupa confirmarea platii.

Descopera programul care ti se potriveste cel mai bine si incepe calatoria catre interior.

Pentru cine este acest program?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to include meditation in your daily routine.

  • You want to enjoy the multiple benefits of meditation, among which are reduced anxiety, a better mood, happier relationships, a more restful sleep and increased productivity.

  • You have been interested in meditation for some time, but you don't know where to start.

  • You want a program that you can easily follow and enjoy.

  • Do you want to change your life completely - in just a few days!

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of meditation and what it can do for you.

Meditate with me to free yourself from the burden of anxiety!

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to include meditation in your daily routine.

  • You want to enjoy the multiple benefits of meditation, among which are reduced anxiety, a better mood, happier relationships, a more restful sleep and increased productivity.

  • You have been interested in meditation for some time, but you don't know where to start.

  • You want a program that you can easily follow and enjoy.

  • Do you want to change your life completely - in just a few days!

I am sure that at the end of this program you will have a completely different vision of meditation and what it can do for you.

Meditate with me to free yourself from the burden of anxiety!

127,00 lei
Descriere program

Andreea Raicu

Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Author, Mindfulness Coach, Healthy Living Promoter & Motivational Speaker

Andreea Raicu

Dorinta de perfectiune m-a ghidat toata viata. Am crezut mereu ca e cea mai importanta trasatura a mea. Insa, in timp, am realizat ca ea a venit la pachet cu foarte multa presiune pe care o puneam vesnic asupra mea: presiune de a reusi mereu sa fac totul singura, de a nu cere niciodata ajutor. Eram mereu incordata, blocata de teama de a nu face ceva gresit, de a nu supara sau dezamagi. Aceasta frica paralizanta m-a manat sa cer intotdeuna mai mult de la mine, sa muncesc mai mult, sa dovedesc mereu de ce nu sunt capabila, sa nu am nevoie niciodata de ajutor de la nimeni. Mi-am dorit sa impartasesc cat mai multor oameni experientele mele si uneltele care m-au ajutat sa depasesc obsesia pentru perfectiune si momentele grele din viata mea pentru a dobandi astfel echilibrul si linistea interioara. Vreau sa impartasesc ce m-a ajutat sa ies de pe pilot automat, cum am devenit mai constienta de mine si de nevoile mele si care sunt metodele si tehnicile de mindfulness si dezvoltare personala care m-au vindecat de anxietate si ulterior de depresie.

Companii care promoveaza meditatia

Get rid of the state of inner agitation that overwhelms you

Meditation program to combat stress and anxiety

127,00 lei

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